Android Bitcoin Wallet 於2013年 不隨機

導致 55.82BTC 被駭

在Bitcoin 系統中,所有Bitcoin 餘額的載體對我來說應該就是地址了。




“All private keys generated on Android phones/tablets are weak and some signatures have been observed to have colliding R values, allowing the private key to be solved and money to be stolen,” 發布

Bitcoin.org有發佈了正式的警告[2],只要用本地端的亂數產生器都會受到影響,並指出受到影響的包括Bitcoin Wallet、BitcoinSpinner、Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet、。

Android 回覆

那問題本是誰,那就是Android 本身啦,他們也知道自己是比特幣被盜事件的元兇XD。[4]

We have now determined that applications which use the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) for key generation, signing, or random number generation may not receive cryptographically strong values on Android devices due to improper initialization of the underlying PRNG.


這是Bitcoin talk 上面的討論[5],説看得見的55.82多BTC,但這是檯面上,檯面下就不知道了XD






Written on January 28, 2018